Milwaukee Road Trains Leaving The Brookfield Depot Behind In 1935
©2012 Ted Schaar

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The images on this page are from the Milwaukee Road Archives, which is housed at the Milwaukee Public Library; Gayle Ecklund, archives technician, researched the collection and provided these images and other materials to me. 

The back of the above photograph states: "Hiawatha westbound at Brookfield, Wis."  Mechanical semaphore signals are visible near the Hiawatha and in the distance just north of the Brookfield depot.   These were later replaced by lights.

Blow-up of the Brookfield depot taken from the above photo of the Hiawatha. A cupola is on the roof although poles block the area that would have held the clock.

Postcard from 1940 showing the colors of the Hiawatha. Courtesy of Chuck-man's Photos on Wordpress: Chicago Nostalgia and Memorabilia.

This photograph was taken the same day—July 3, 1935—as the above image of the Hiawatha.  Written on the back is, "Second Section of Hiawatha with Eng 6160." Jim Scribbins, in his book, The Hiawatha Story, wrote about the 6160:  "Of the two Chippewa engines, the 152 deserves special recognition.  As No. 6160 it was converted to oil and classed F-3-c-s coincident with the inauguration of the original Hiawatha.  It was given a modernistic gray, orange, and maroon dressup with ornamentation on the running boards, and was used to substitute (rarely required) for Nos. 1 and 2 and to handle additional sections until No. 3 was received."1

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1.  The Hiawatha Story, Jim Scribbins, 2007, University of Minnesota Press, Page 230.